So 2015 is finally here, and at Cineworld our New Year's resolution is to bring you 12 amazing months of Unmissable Movies. And boy do we have some blockbusting treats this year – Avengers: Age of Ultron, Jurassic World and a tiny little sci-fi movie called Star Wars: The Force Awakens to name but three...
Fancy watching these incredible movies and many more for free? Well now's your chance. Enter our exclusive competition for your chance to win a year's free Unlimited membership, and 12 months of the biggest and best movies could be yours for the taking.
For your chance to win this fantastic prize, simply send your name, address, Unlimited registered email address, Unlimited number and phone number to [email protected] by 6th February 2015.
Best of luck! Don't forget – click here for details of the Unmissable Movies coming your way during 2015.