Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse unleashes a volley of eye-popping animation and rich Spidey mythology. This eagerly anticipated sequel to the Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse doubles down on the multiversal potential, sending the titular Miles Morales into a kaleidoscopic realm where the notion of Spider-Man as a singular character is truly imploded.
We appreciate that it's been a few years since Into the Spider-Verse hit the big screen. So, here's our rundown of the story so far to bring you up to speed.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
New York teen Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) idolises the superhero Spider-Man whereas his policeman father Jefferson (Brian Tyree Henry) sees him as a public order nuisance
Miles is balancing his life at prep school, where he struggles with a burgeoning attraction to Wanda (Hailee Steinfeld), with his emergent graffiti artist skills, encouraged by his uncle Aaron Davis (Mahershala Ali)
Accompanying Aaron to an abandoned subway station, Miles is bitten by a radioactive spider
He is then blessed, or cursed, with a Spider-sense and an ability to climb walls
Upon returning to the same subway station, Miles discovers a hadron collider built by Manhattan criminal Wilson Fisk/Kingpin (Liev Schreiber)
Kingpin wants to bring back his deceased wife and child and blames the existing Peter Parker/Spider-Man for their deaths
From a distance, Miles watches Spider-Man (Chris Pine) fighting Green Goblin and Prowler as he tries to prevent the collider from being activated
Green Goblin shoves Spider-Man into the collider, causing an explosion that kills Goblin and wounds Spider-Man
Spider-Man gives Miles a USB flash drive designed to disable the collider
Miles then witnesses Kingpin executing Spider-Man and feels compelled to step into his position
Later at Spider-Man's funeral, Miles meets an older, more jaded iteration of Peter B. Parker (Jake Johnson) who hails from another dimension
Miles is then awoken to the possibilities of the multiverse (or 'spider-verse'), across which multiple iterations of one character can exist
Miles inadvertently damages the data drive and Peter agrees to train him in exchange for Miles helping to track down more data to build a new drive
They are confronted by mad scientist Olivia Octavius (Kathryn Hahn), who discovers that Peter will die from cellular decay if he remains in their dimension
Miles and Peter are greeted by Spider-Gwen, the super-powered alter-ego of Miles' high school crush Wanda aka Gwen Stacy who, it's revealed, also hails from another dimension
Gwen has being going incognito at Miles' school under the alias Wanda
She takes them to Aunt May (Lily Tomlin) who is harbouring several iterations of the Spider-Man persona
They are Peter Parker/Spider-Man Noir (Nicolas Cage), Peni Parker/SP//dr: (Kimiko Glenn) and Peter Porker/Spider-Ham (John Mulaney) and they're also suffering cellular deterioration
Spider-Man Noir hails from a 1930s monochromatic dimension, Peni Parker is a young Japanese-American girl from an alternative anime-like universe who copilots a biomechanical suit with a radioactive spider, and Peter Porker is an anthropomorphic talking pig
Miles offers the chance for the Spidey variants to return to their respective universes via the power of Kingpin's collider, but his abilities are questioned
In a dramatic confrontation with Kingpin's henchman Prowler, Miles discovers that the latter is his uncle Aaron
Miles subsequently reveals to Aaron that he is the new incarnation of Spider-Man
Unwilling to execute his nephew, Aaron spares Miles but is then shot by Kingpin
Jefferson then arrives on the scene and mistakes Spider-Man for Aaron's murderer, not knowing that it's Miles beneath the mask
Peter restrains Miles to ensure his safety and leaves with the others, choosing to sacrifice himself by staying behind and deactivating the collider
Following an intervention from Jefferson, Miles is imbued with greater emotional maturity and the subsequent ability to control his powers
During the final confrontation with Wilson, Miles and his allies succeed in sending the villain's accomplices back to their universes via Peni Parker's newly restored flash drive
Enraged, Wilson attacks Miles and the observing Jefferson then discovers that Spider-Man is his son
With the collider destroyed, Wilson is then arrested and Jefferson discovers the real culprit behind the murders of the OG Spider-Man and Aaron
Jefferson then embraces Spider-Man as a hero and Miles embraces the possibilities of his position as the new Spider-Man for his universe
Miles' friends return to their own dimensions, although he's later contacted by Gwen from her own dimension
In another dimension, Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099 (Oscar Isaac) travels to the universe of the 1967 Spider-Man animated series
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
Now fully conversant with his abilities, Miles Morales is secure in his position as the Spider-Man for his dimension
However, he's then contacted by Gwen Stacy who offers to show him something truly special
Miles is then taken inside the multiverse for the first time, and is shown a teeming multitude of different Spidey characters
Gwen introduces Miles to the Spider Society, comprising the likes of Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman (Issa Rae) and Miles' former mentor Peter B. Parker, now a father
The Spider Society is led by the conflicted Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099 who is leading the team in the battle against The Spot (Jason Schwartzman)
However, he then informs Miles of a seemingly impossible choice, which puts the two characters on a dangerous collision course
The multiverse then erupts into chaos as Miles attempts to take his destiny into his own hands
Are you ready to head into the spider-verse again? Then click the link below to secure your Spider-Man tickets. The movie opens at Cineworld on June 1st.